Sunday, June 29, 2014

My Weekly Word this past week was ~ RELAX!! I sure did have a wonderful relaxing trip to Hilton Head to hang out with my sisters and their family.

Loved sitting on the beach, walking on the beach, looking for sand dollars and reliving our wonderful memories of our time at the beach when we were kids.

I so needed just a couple days to chill and relax and hang out with my sisters and that is exactly what I did. Got a bit too much sun and ended up with sun poisoning but that just caused me to "relax" a bit more whether I had time for it or not.

I've tried to remind myself of this word often with my work this past month as well. I have been in a bit of slump for a couple of external reasons and it's bugging me that I've not had the time to just create!!  Not for anything specific or because it has to be done but because it really is my way to relax ~ to be creative! 
So....I've taken a major chill pill - relaxing and not putting too much pressure on myself and have scheduled creative time to do just that!!

Hope you have a fabulous week! If you are stressed to the max - RELAX! Take time for yourself and take care of yourself!! Smiles my friends!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Well......I'm behind. I should have blogged about my WORD - FRIENSHIP last Friday and I said I'm behind.

I'm going to be even more behind as I'm going to spend a couple of days with my toes in the sand and that has inspired my word for this week ~

I'm in dire need of some time to just BE and to relax and stop the nonstop go go go!

Will write about both of my words on Saturday at the end of this week!

Have a great day and I hope you take some time to RELAX!
Smiles, Sandy

Monday, June 16, 2014

Here is my word for this week ~ Friendship!

Will post about this word at the end of the week!!

Have a blessed day!!

 My "A Weekly Word for 2014" for this past week was ~ TRUST

I'm always curious as to what Websters Definition of a word is ~
Here it is for Trust:


 noun \ˈtrəst\
: belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc.

Full Definition of TRUST

a :  assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something
b :  one in which confidence is placed
a :  dependence on something future or contingent :  hope
Examples of TRUST
  1. Our relationship is founded on mutual love and trust.
  2. Her lies and deception shattered my trust in her.


 verb \ˈtrəst\
: to believe that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc. : to have confidence in (someone or something)
: to believe that something is true or correct
: to hope or expect that something is true or will happen

Full Definition of TRUST

intransitive verb
a :  to place confidence :  depend <trust in God> <trust to luck>
b :  to be confident :  hope
:  to sell or deliver on credit
transitive verb
a :  to commit or place in one's care or keeping :  entrust
b :  to permit to stay or go or to do something without fear or misgiving
a :  to rely on the truthfulness or accuracy of :  believe<trust a rumor>
b :  to place confidence in :  rely on <a friend you can trust>
c :  to hope or expect confidently <trusts that the problem will be resolved soon>

Monday, June 9, 2014

My weekly word for the first week in June was RISKS!  Well......I have to admit I struggled with this word this week - it really didn't show up in my personal life or in my art either. Boring huh? I know, I was really hoping to be able to write this amazing post about all the risks I took and that just isn't going to happen today. On the bright side though, I have been taking risks like never before when it comes to my ART since the beginning of 2014.
 I figure the worst that I can be told is no. So.....I will continue to take risks with my art and the direction I want it to head. I will continue to take risks when it comes to opportunities or ideas that pop into this crazy head of mine.

So....on that is my word for this second week in June 2014 


Already have a slew of things I can write about this word but will see how it shows up this particular week when it comes to my family life and my art! Will share more with you at the end of the week!! TRUST yourself this week to make things happen!! That is the first thing I wrote today in my booklet. I went to the gym today and walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes! Figure I have to restart sometime and today was that day!
Have a blessed day!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Here is my
A Weekly Word for this first week in June ~ HONOR

Will share how this word showed up in my life and art at the end of the week!

Have a FABULOUS week!

My Weekly Word for last week was SACRIFICE

Seemed such a fitting word at the end of May with Memorial Day!
Having been a military brat and wife for all of my life I for one am beyond PROUD and so thankful for all the men and women that have fought for all of our freedoms in this country!
I was so touched with my sister Linda's letter as she reflected on it being her birthday and Memorial Day that I shared it with you below.
Sacrifice is such a powerful word! Of course as a Christian it sure does have a deep and profound meaning to me as I know that my Savior sacrificed his life for me!
As a mother, it hits deeps in my soul as I know I'd sacrifice whatever to ensure that my kids are safe, happy and healthy! It's been quite a transition from having little ones to teens to young men and seeing that although we still want the same things for our boys, we have to go about it in different ways as they get older. We can do what we can to keep them safe, happy, and healthy but there comes an age when they have to take on that personal responsibility to be safe, happy and healthy.
When it comes to my art there are many things I do not ever want to sacrifice. First, the authentic place it comes from. I can tell when I am producing just produce - in the end I'm usually not happy with the results. I feel the difference when it flows and is free and comes from my heart to my head - down my arm and onto the piece. Second thing I never want to sacrifice when it comes to my art is my integrity. Again, if it comes from my heart to my head or my head to my heart and down my arm and onto the project piece I think my integrity will always stay in tack.  A few other words that came to mind when I was thinking about this word and my art ~ Genuine  * Humble  * Generosity  * Honor
That last word leads me right into this first week of June with my first A Weekly Word ~ HONOR
I'll share more about how this word showed up in my life and art this weekend right here on my blog!
Now, enjoy my sister's letter!

My Birthday, My Parents, My Freedom

May 26, 2014 at 9:36am
 So today is my birthday and as I have gotten older the gifts are really nice but I could do without the numbers that will lie(I wish they were lying) on my cake today( oh and pounds that will lie on my hips for a while due to the cake I eat :)  ( I use "lie" purposely)   I have found it interesting how my perspective on everything  changes year after year as my age increases, I'd like to say increasing age, increasing wisdom, yeah, that's what is happening.
While I have been and will continue to be honored today by my precious family and friends I would like to pay tribute to a few heros in my life--
On this day ( a long time ago, and I will leave it at that)  a young lady of 18 and a young man of 20 brought home a tiny little bundle that I know brought them joy but also I am sure, uncertainty.  You see that young man's job didn't pay a lot and the hospital bill was $7.00, which they did not have.  The grandmother promtly paid the $7.00 dollars and a new chapter of life began for their little family.  For us.
My parents were young and worked very hard to give my sisters and me a good life.  My daddy's job took us all over the country.  We switched schools numerous times.  We had to make new friends which was not always easy.  The hardest part of my daddy's job that we had to deal with were the numerous good-byes we had to say, not to others, but to him.  You see my daddy was a United States Marine.  He got to travel the world with his job at the expense of his family but also to ensure freedom for his family and for his country.  It is a selfless job.  Another selfless job is that of a Marine's wife.  I watched my mom cry as she kissed my daddy goodbye at the airport with 3 little crying girls hanging on either her leg or his. I watched my litte sister, who only remembered that our daddy wore fatigues, run up to other fatigue clad soldiers in the commissary and call them daddy.  My mom would apologize and explain that our dad was gone.  And gone he was-- gone to a war in Vietnam.  While in Vietnam, his precious mom died, his wife missed him terribly and was left to raise us on her own for a time.  All Sacrifices for our Country's freedom, my freedom yet when he came home his country spit on him.  Gone were the hero's welcome home parades just a country whose tide was turning, and although the decision to go to war was on our country's leaders, the ones who suffered most from those decisions were the brave men and women who fought in them.
My Dad wore his uniform proudly and was most handsome in his dressed blues.  I still get teary eyed when I hear the Marine Corp Hymn,  I even know the words and will sing along.   I was proud to be called a military brat because I knew that what my dad did was important and I was proud of him.  I knew what my mom did as a military wife was important and I was proud of her.  My parents were not perfect people but I can tell you they gave of themselves for the freedom of others.  Not only do I have freedoms in this country because of them but I also have freedom in Christ, because of them.  They laid the foundations for me to accept Christ as my personal Savior a choice that I can freely express because of my daddy and others who bravely fought, or will fight for our country, for me.
So today I wanted to pay tribute to my parents but I also want to add the rest of my family who so proudly served our country:
Father in love, Fern Gagnon- Marines
Brother in love, Bruce Rasmussen- Navy
Brother in love, Steven McTier- Air Force
Nephew, Adam Rasmussen- Army
My niece and Nephew's father, Matthew O'Brien- Army
Thankfully celebrate your freedom today!

I'm also thankful for my father in loves service to our country - Army
My beloved who served our country for 22 years in the Air Force
and my Grandfather - Claude Kennedy in the Navy
