Friday, January 17, 2014




That's what I've had to repeat to myself over and over and over all week!!
I get a lot done but I also know that I procrastinate a lot too!  Especially if I don't want to do something. I'll start cleaning my closet out, tackling those junk drawers, etc. to avoid doing what I really should be doing. This week I seriously had to stop myself from doing this by repeating the word - ACTION - ACTION - ACTION!

I had such a great post all written out in my head and was ready to sit down and write but then I had to take ACTION on something that has been on my heart for a few months now. I took ACTION! So glad that I did - just wish I had done it earlier. Went straight to the friend that I needed to have this conversation with and I'm glad I did.  Was way too in my head with my thoughts and emotions and I'll admit - it STOLE my JOY yesterday!  It's NOT today though!

I recently read and am re-reading this book Unglued by Lysa TerKeurst and decided to highlight things that really stand out to me and this is one of them:

"Spending some time getting quiet can really be the best remedy for tangled situations. Taking a step back from all the emotion, frustration, and exhaustion to sit quietly with Jesus will do more to untangle a mess than anything else I’ve ever found." ~Lysa TerKeurst, Unglued Book

I highly recommend this book!! Only wish I had read it a couple of years ago!

So back to my regularly scheduled post (lol).......

While focusing on this word ACTION ~ I wrote down some things that really stood out to me.

1. Action - means FORWARD - keep doing things and moving forward and STOP looking back.
Often times I get drug down and almost feel paralyzed when focusing on past mistakes - that not so nice way I spoke to my husband, or the ugly look I gave one of my sons, gossiping with a friend about something that shouldn't have been said, talking out of hurt and frustration about a situation, etc. etc. etc.
I'm sure you get the point and might even relate to what I'm talking about.
Thank goodness I have a God that forgives me for my imperfections. It's a fact that I know I will continue to make these and many more mistakes but by the grace of God I also know that I will learn from them and make a conscious effort to not repeat them.

2. Intention & purpose in my actions - in all actions I take I want them to be intentional and purposeful and I have to understand that I may not get the results I want but if I do them with full conviction then I have to look at that as forward action!

and lastly....

3. My Actions - that I am fully responsible for my actions. I OWN them all! The good, the bad and sometimes even the ugly.

I feel like my paint brushes have been in FULL ACTION for about a month now and I wish I knew how I could keep that going!! I LOVE to paint - it's what I do. Ask my kids....."what did you do all day mom"...."oh yeah, you painted"! As if they had to ask.
However, there are days that I don't paint, can't paint, not inspired to paint for whatever reason (usually because I'm so caught up in my head with other things, emotions, etc.) and those are the days that I need to take the most ACTION!!
It's my business but more than that it's my passion and I love that I get to share that with people.

SO.....I have a couple more days in the week that I have to take FULL ACTION and get lots done and that starts now by saying bye for now - I'll see you back here on Monday with My Weekly Word for next week - it might be a word that stumps you but it's one that has been on my heart and one that I am looking forward to focusing on daily!!

How did this word ACTION show up for you this week? Hope you took some good, intentional and purposeful action that moved you FORWARD!

Have a blessed day!

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